Administrative Solutions

Fee Manager

Seamlessly move to an advisory model while providing critical business intelligence on revenue and risk.

Fee Manager is an automated, cloud-based fee billing system that provides analytics, advisor insights, security, accuracy, and reliability. It’s scalable and customizable, enabling multi-access user levels in both front-office and back-office views. As your firm grows and more competitors adopt advanced billing technologies, Fee Manager gives your firm the smarter billing advantage.

Fee Manager at a Glance
  • Provides quick and easy access to client billing information, security and accessibility through cloud installation, zero client hardware footprint, structured billing flexibility, and improved speed of revenue recognition.
  • SOC2 certified hosting platform secures your database and client information with industry-based AES 256-encryption overSSL, automatic backups, session time-outs, and user activity audit trials.
  • Puts you in control with agile and dynamic fee management that makes figures meaningful, sheds light on advisor performance, and uncovers service trends. 
  • Cost-and-time savings achieved by deploying Fee Manager can be directed to other core activities such as client acquisition and retention, advisor acquisition and retention, or compliance. 

Fee Manager was designed to support transparency  through analytics for fiduciary-bound advisors. Our automated process easily handles complex fee calculations, invoicing, and management analytics to derive insights on firm profitability. Acting proactively to maximize accuracy becomes possible, and the result is continuous data-driven evidence of compliance. Having a holistic view of fees enables oversight and better decision-making through the lens of data. You’ll know which advisors are setting the example for advisory business and which are or are not adhering to advisory guard.

Fee Manager solves wealth managers’ billing security challenges. Fee Manager is a scalable, cloud-based, hosted solution providing accessibility across geographies and devices. It leverages First Rate security rules and foundational elements to anticipate risk and safeguard data integrity. It will become the central location to maintain your client billing information. It’s designed to store complex fee billing scenarios, handle unique billing requirements, reduce custom invoicing for day-to-day extracts, and provide insight into revenue.

Fee Manager calculation methodologies enable you to forecast growth and analyze fee patterns.

Flexible parameters and filters allow fee viewing based on your business rules and reporting needs:

  • Select monthly, quarterly, or annual billing cycles in advance or arrears.
  • Set household relationships to calculate fees using any method including tiered, banded, flat rate, or dollar schedules by total AUM and/or asset class and/or individual holdings.
  • Create default fee calculation templates for new accounts and for billing of new assets globally or by advisor.
  • Exclude individual assets or asset class(es) and/or contributions and withdrawals from fee calculations.
  • Input exceptions and make custom fee adjustments.

Fee Manager provides the automated surveillance needed in an increasingly product-agnostic and relationship-based industry.

Financial advisors are experiencing revenue pressure due to broader, systematized competition. The best practice for demonstrating fiduciary responsibility is deploying the technology and having defined, utilized processes to support it. Meeting revenue objectives and maintaining fee consistency requires streamlined, repeatable monitoring and processes. Through its included analytics module, Fee Manager standardizes due diligence monitoring.

How process-based (as opposed to person-based) fee management improves revenue reliability:

  • Frees your firm from reliance on one fee management employee or team.
  • Facilitates management data continuity and sharing.
  • Prevents potential interruptions caused by employee absence or loss.
  • Automates data and debiting from any custodian.