Reporting Products

Automated Composite Engine (ACE)

Minimizing human error builds human confidence.

First Rate’s Automated Composite Engine (ACE) is an integrated composite management solution. During monthly processing, ACE assigns qualified portfolios to composites using preset rules around demographic and performance data that are unique to your business. This automated process minimizes the potential for error by improving accuracy of composite composition and investment performance results.

  • Eliminates the administrative overhead of synchronizing data between the performance system and the composite system.
  • Minimizes the data risk inherent when the performance system and the composite system are not fully integrated.
  • Provides Service Bureau expertise leveraged for the operation of the composite system.
  • Rules-driven composite constituent participation and construction.

Diverse reporting solutions provide comprehensive information.

ACE includes an interactive reporting feature to research composites and underlying constituent performance. An extensive library of more than 30 reports illustrate constituent movement in and out of ACE Composites, provides reasons for the movement, supports risk analysis, and supplies performance information at both an aggregated and portfolio level.

Achieve greater accuracy through automation.

This automated reporting solution minimizes human error and improves the productivity of auditors and composite analysts with the ability to easily review performance and composite membership. Composites and aggregates are constructed based upon your custom business rules. The automated process uses portfolio-level participation dates during the creation of monthly aggregated performance to accurately reflect the composite population.

First Rate and ACE will assist you with GIPScompliance audits.

Specific reports — such as the Annual Disclosure Statement — and Composite Constituent History – are developed in partnership with an industry expert in GIPS verification, and they are available to support the verification process during GIPS compliance audits.